Taking my own advice

Plugging away!

Plugging away!

Have you been wondering where in the world I went? Sometimes you just have to experience life while it is happening. That is exactly what I have been up to:)

I learned a lot of Ruby in a short amount of time and really needed to digest before blogging about it.

What I like the most about Ruby is that it is an Object Oriented Programming language (OOPL).

Here are a few small projects that I worked. Each project was scripted with Ruby and then ran using the terminal.

  • Always_three
  1. puts“Give me a number.”
  2. first_number=gets.to_i
  4. def my_always_three_method(num1)
  5. (((num1+5)*2-4)/2-num1)
  6. end
  7. puts“Always” + my_always_three_method(first_number).to_
  • Numerology app
  1. puts ‘What is your birthdate? Please enter month, day, and year.’
  2. birthdate = gets
  3. def get_birth_path(birthdate)
  4. number = birthdate[0].to_i + birthdate[1].to_i +
  5. birthdate[2].to_i + birthdate[3].to_i +
  6. birthdate[4].to_i + birthdate[5].to_i +
  7. birthdate[6].to_i + birthdate[7].to_i +
  8. birthdate[8].to_i + birthdate[9].to_i
  9. number = number.to_s
  10. number = number[0].to_i + number[1].to_i
  11. if number > 9
  12. number = number[0].to_i + number[1].to_i
  13. end
  14. return number
  15. end
  16. def get_user_birth_message(path_number)
  17. case path_number
  18. when 1
  19. number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}. \n One is
  20. the leader. The number one indicicates the ability to
  21. stand alone, and is a strong vibration. Ruled by the
  22. Sun.
  23. when 2
  24. number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}. \n This is
  25. the meditor and peace-lover. The number Two indicates the
  26. desire for harmony. It is a gentle, considerate, and sensitive
  27. vibration. Ruled by the Moon.
  28. when 3
  29. number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}. Number Three is a sociable, friendly, and outgoing vibration.
  30. Kind, positive, and optimistic, Three‘s enjoy life and have a good
  31. sense of humor. Ruled by Jupiter.
  32.    when 4
  33.    number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}.This is the worker. Practical, with love of detail, Fours are
  34.    trustworthy, hard-working, and helpful. Ruled by Uranus.
  35.    when 5
  36.    number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}.This is the freedom lover. The number Five is an intellectual
  37.    vibration. These are ‘idea’ people with a love of variety and the
  38.    ability to adapt to most situations. Ruled by Mercury.
  39.    when 6
  40.    number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}.This is the peace lover. The number Six is a loving,
  41.    stable, and harmonious vibration. Ruled by Venus.
  42. when 7
  43. number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}.This is a deep thinker. The number Seven is a spiritual
  44. vibration. These people are not very attached to material things,
  45. are introspective, and generally quiet. Ruled by Neptune.
  46. when 8
  47. number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}.This is the manager. Number Eight is a strong, successful, and
  48. material vibration. Ruled by Saturn.
  49. when 9
  50. number_message = “Your numberology number is #{path_number}.This is the teacher. Number Nine is a tolerant, somewhat impractical,
  51. and sympathetic vibration. Ruled by Mars.
  52. else
  53. number_message = “I’v got nothing for you. You must be an alien!”
  54. end
  55. end
  56. path_number = get_birth_path (birthdate)
  57. number_message = get_user_birth_message(path_number)
  58. puts number_message
  • Fizzbuzz
  1. i=0
  2. for i in (1..100).each do
  3. if  i % 15 == 0
  4. print “FizzBuzz”
  5. elsif i % 3 == 0
  6. print “fizz”
  7. elsif i % 5 == 0
  8. print “Buzz”
  9. else
  10. puts i
  11. end
  12. i=1
  13. end

One of my last assignments for the Web-development course was to create an ‘advice web page’ with HTML and CSS for people who are learning to code.  Here is my advice for all the code newbies out there!

Erin's Advice

Erin’s Advice

After struggling to get this baby pushed to GitHub, I decided that the next step for me was to take a class on GitHub itself.

I understand the purpose of Git and GitHub,  but haven’t mastered using the platform. I am now signed up for this free course by Udacity.

Although the Web-Developer course through Skillcrush officially ended on February 6th. I have access to all the material forever! Just another reason I highly recommend using Skillcrush.

A very special Thank YOU for all the Skillcrush instructors and classmates!

Enjoying my Life!

Enjoying my Life!

Ruby my dear,

For starters, I ingested a lot of history on Ruby. Thank you Skillcrush! It is a fascinating language and I can see why there is such demand for it. Here is another article stating so.


I was first taught how to access the terminal. I started out using my Chromebook in which case I had to download Codio and ‘fire up’ the terminal. When the iMac arrived I was able to access the terminal via spotlight, searching for ‘terminal’. I then practiced using the most common terminal commands. The screen capture below represents the coolest terminal command!

Coolest Command EVER!

Coolest Command EVER!

YES! That is Star Wars, and yes you can sit and watch the entire result if you wish. #Geek


Mid-week it was time to install Ruby. I was feeling pretty lucky since my iMac came with the updated Ruby already on it. But then I found out that all UNIX products come with Ruby installed. Thank you Apple!


Installing “Ruby is the hardest step in learning it.” At least, according to the programming community.


Since I took the Codeschool Ruby course last week, learning Objects, Strings, Methods, Arrays, Hashes was familiar.  That being said, I needed to practice, practice, practice!


Below is another screen capture, this time of my work with IRB (Ruby) in the terminal.

Screenshot 2015-01-17 at 9.49.10 PM

I also was introduced to NIL, or nothing.


Last but not least I am reading my very first programming book. It is called _Why’s poignant guide to Ruby and it’s written by a “mystery guy” or x-mystery guy. His name is _Why. It is really funny and hard to put down.


Ruby and I are off to a great start!

P.S.  I seem to be finding my balance:)

I am officially a new iMac user.

 Labyrinth  .. A path for the right brain.

Labyrinth .. A path for the right brain.

I had a small break in my Skillcrush Developer Blueprint before starting the Ruby lesson.  I thought it would be good for me to keep coding. Practice makes perfect! I found a free course on Ruby through Codeschool.  


It has 7 levels and teaches objects, methods, arrays, etc.  The course required a blog entry using Ruby, which I enjoyed.  As you know, I enjoy blogging!


The Codeschool course gave me enough insight into the Ruby language and inspired me to learn more. I found the initial tasks fairly easy.

Ruby badge #1

Ruby badge #1


After completing Codeschool I feel confident that I will be successful in attempting more difficult concepts within the Ruby programming language.  I suggest you try as it builds not only knowledge of the language, but also confidence.


I recently read  ‘A whole new mind why right brainers will rule the future.’ I found the topic of the Labyrinth to be particularly interesting.  While I was visually familiar, I had not really understood its background. What does walking a labyrinth do for people? Hospitals have begun to add them within their construct. A lot of people claim to pray, find peace, or solve difficult problems by walking them. I find that fascinating.


David Tolzman (he design the Labyrinth at Johns Hopkins) stated:

As the left brain engages in the logical progression in walking the path, the right brain is free to think creatively.”


You can find a labyrinth near you by going to this site http://labyrinthlocator.com/


Last but not least, my awesome mentor @sorriv and handsome hubby purchased a Mac for me to use for #hackingmyeducation. I am very thankful for his constant support.