The power of telling your story

I am currently using to learn and practice coding in HTML. What I like about this specific website is that you can chose which programming language you want to learn. They go into great detail, which helps me better understand the concepts.  Currently, I am learning what each of the HTML tags will allow you to do.  You can choose from any of the following programming languages HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL, PHP, Jquery, AngularJS, Bootstrap, and XML.  The best part about the website is that all of their information is free!


This week I have also focused on searching for websites tailored to mothers and coding.  Here is a non-profit organization that was formed by a mother who decided to learn programming and realized the marketplace void for this audience.  This website, also founded by a woman provides online programming courses.


I want to provide a quick update on the book I am reading called, “A Whole New Mind”.  I mentioned in the previous blog that the author Daniel Pink, describes 6 senses that need to be used in order to transcend into the conceptual age. I want to focus on one. Story.


People need to hear “stories”.  If  you want to have an impact on others you need to convey a great story.  If you want to change the world, tell your story, and make it great!


The author of  “A Whole New Mind” writes about an awesome place called Story corps .  Here is just one of the many stories told.  I hope you take the time to listen to it. What I find most enticing about Story corps, is you just sit in a booth and record your conversation with another person. It is simple and brilliant.  A low barrier of entry.


Another site that enables the world to tell their story is Ted.  I visit daily and find it useful.  This morning I came across a talk by the author of “Eat, Pray, Love”, Elizabeth Gilbert.  I believe she ‘hits the nail on the head’ while discussing how to tap your genius.  


To come full circle, this is exactly why I am blogging.  To share my story of ‘hacking  my education’ with the world.  I hope that by doing so I can encourage others to learn regardless of how challenging the task may appear.  I encourage anyone and everyone to tackle their challenge and share it with the world – through story.

2 thoughts on “The power of telling your story

  1. For some reason I never really took to Ted talks- I’ve watched a few, and I do love the idea behind it, I just don’t find myself ever looking out for them. I like the Creative Mornings videos though (over at – I don’t think I can insert links properly in a comment)- that’s another great place to hear people’s stories.


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